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Porto de Galinhas - PE. Em breve, vamos liberar as inscrições. Fique ligado e seja um Early Bird! Autora de Fearless Change, é especialista em padrões, agile e processos de mudança. Consultor, lida com código legado cotidianamente e é autor do livro sobre o tema. Sessões sobre temas diversos comporão a grade da Agile Brazil 2015. E o palestrante pode ser você! Twitter da Agile Brazil.
Atualize sua Barra de Governo. Serviço de Informação ao Cidadão. Semana da Computação da UFRPE. Diálogos sobre Agroecologia reúne pesquisadores e povos tradicionais. Campus ganha novos bancos coloniais. Divulgada a lista final com todos os ingressantes UFRPE 2015. II Oficina de Planejamento da.
Actors and Green Threads in Java Demystified. One of the things that most surprised me, is how simple it was to prototype the Actor Model. In Java using Green Threads. First, here is the base class for all actors. As you can see, I simply used Runnable as the type of the messages. The Actor itself is Runnable, meaning that it can be submitted to the thread pool. It tries to handle a message from the mailbox if there is one.
Evolutionary genomics of social insects. Extensive theoretical work has explained how and why complex societies evolve. However, only little is known about the genes and molecular mechanisms responsible for social phenotypes. We are interested in themes including the genetics of behavior, the interplay between social evolution and genome evolution, and the molecular mechanisms responsible for differences between castes. The recent 10,000-fold dro.
Scrum for the Agile Organization.
Mdash; является как точкой старта для тех, кто пока только задумывается об Agile, так и местом обмена опытом для тех, кто давно и успешно применяет Agile. Кроме того, серия докладов будет посвящена самым последним и самым интересным тенденциям, таким как Lean Development, DDD, BDD, TDD, FDD и другим xDD. В конференции примут участие западные гуру. Москва, Рязанский пр-т, д.
Tämä blogi keskittyy liiketoiminnallisen ketteryyden seuraamiseen. Tavoitteena on määrittää liiketoiminnallisen ketteryyden ydin ja tarkastella sen eri ilmenemismuotoja strategiasta markkinointiin. It can be detected everywhere from strategic thinking to marketing.